Once upon a time, there was a small African village. In it lived a little boy and a tricky spider. The spider thought he was smarter than everyone else. One day the spider was hungry , so he asked the boy,"Will you take me to the best plums?" The boy agreed. They walked deep into the jungle to the boy's favorite plum tree. The spider felt greedy. He ate up every single plum and did not share any! Then the boy said, "Inside this hive is the most delicious honey in the world." The spider squeezed into a hole int her hive. He ate up all the sweet golden honey and did not share any! The spider was ready for the next treat. But when he tried to climb out of the hive, he was struck.
Finally in this story, spider became to be able to share his foods. When I was a child, my parent said me and my sister and my brother that "Of you have any happy things, you should share it." Especially, they said that when we have any foods. That time, I couldn't understand why they said, but now, I became to be able to understand it. If we share any happy for everyone, we would be helped by their. We can live this world with helping each other, so I want to share many happy things, if I have any happy news or find a very delicious food, and don't share bad things and say bad things about slander. In the great Tohoku Earthquake, Japanese people could help each other, and this new was praised highly by worldly people. I think many countries people can that helping each other not only Japan. When people face any danger, we should find the way how we should do to alive everyone.
Einhorn Kama. (2006) SCHOLASTIC, The spider and the Beehive.
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