An unbalance arrived and two paramedics jumped out.The driver of the tanker was taken into the school. He was very shocked."I don't know what happened," he mumbled, over and over again. Later, Mrs Tuner called everyone into the hall. "There's been a big accident, but the two drivers are being well looked after. Your parents will still be able to take you home at the normal time though," She was going to ask them to take their children back to class. But Zak Pieman had a different idea. Zak fetched his drawing board, and he began to draw a story for the children. The teachers thanked Zak for his help and they went out to wave goodbye to him. Zak stared at the smashed tanker. He saw the lorry on its side,. And then he saw the crushed car, half under the tanker. It was his car!
I thought Zak Pieman was very good artist. Most of students's feelings were not so good, but their feeling made very happy by the world which Zak made. And also, I thought many people have to help each other when any accident happened.
Strong Jeremy. (1988). Story Street. Book Week Goes with BANG! - part 2 -
204 words
An unbalance >>
返信削除An ambulance ??
…shocked."I don't know…
返信削除… shocked. "I don't know…
…jumped out.The driver… >>
返信削除…jumped out. The driver…
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