In my weekend, I was so busy because I had part-time job and I had to prepare for my trip. Many guests came to the restaurant where I work that weekend, so I was very tired and I mistook many things. And also, I and my mother was looking for the carry bag in shopping center. I was scolded by my mother because I had not prepared for trip yet. I am going to go to French by the end of the month. I am very looking forward to go French but I reflect that I did not prepare for it early more. This week, I have many homework and part-time job, but I want to prepare for trip by myself as possible I can.
128 words
BR2-04: The Outside Dog

Their neighbor up the hill was Dona Elvira. She owned a little colmando, where they bought their groceries. Their neighbor down the hill was a fisherman named Nando. Sometimes, in the early morning, Marisol went fishing with him. There were many dogs on the hill. They were strays. No one owned or took care of them.
This is a good book. when I was a child, I thought I wanted to have my pets many times. I wanted to have a dog, cat, bird or hamster. However, my parents had never agree that I have a pet because they will have to pay many money foe feeding. And also, they said " You would be very sad, If your pet dead. Every pet will die surely someday." so I had never had any pets, but I often dream of playing with any pets someday like a little girl in this book. Certainly, her grandfather disagree to have a pet, but she can play with the dog.
Pomerantz, C. (1933). The outside dog. USA: Harper Collins.
stray: 道に迷う
flea: のみのように跳ぶ小虫
tick: ダニ
sip: 少しずつ飲む
collar: 首輪
leftover: 残り物
174 words
sip: 少しずつ飲む
collar: 首輪
leftover: 残り物
174 words
My writing errors
Tom Clayton.(2001).Story Street. The BLUE Game >
Clayton, Tom. (2001). The Blue Game (Story Street).
286words >
286 words
bus guide talk >>
the bus guide talked
I remember that two things >>
I remember THOSE two things
New York is the world famous place >
New York is a world-famous place
First, I want to introduce about Food culture of NY. >
First, I want to introduce the Food culture of NY.
New York City has about 24000 restaurant.
New York City has about 24,000 restaurants.
came to there >>
came there
avoid starting sentences with
Then, I want to introduce Japanese food in NY. >>
Let us turn our attention to Japanese food in New York. OR
It is interested to note that there is lots of Japanese food in New York. OR…
When at least the school bell rang >>
When at last the school bell rang
I want to know that actually what he did. >>
I want to know what he actually did.
Person Education >>
Pearson Education
Clayton, Tom. (2001). The Blue Game (Story Street).
286words >
286 words
bus guide talk >>
the bus guide talked
I remember that two things >>
I remember THOSE two things
New York is the world famous place >
New York is a world-famous place
First, I want to introduce about Food culture of NY. >
First, I want to introduce the Food culture of NY.
New York City has about 24000 restaurant.
New York City has about 24,000 restaurants.
came to there >>
came there
avoid starting sentences with
Then, I want to introduce Japanese food in NY. >>
Let us turn our attention to Japanese food in New York. OR
It is interested to note that there is lots of Japanese food in New York. OR…
When at least the school bell rang >>
When at last the school bell rang
I want to know that actually what he did. >>
I want to know what he actually did.
Person Education >>
Pearson Education
My weekend
In my weekend, I had my picture taken by photo studio for coming- of -age celebration. In this morning, I went to the hotel castle to set my hair, face and my kimono. My mother reserve it before. When I decide my hair style, my mother recommended me the Nihon-gami like classical Japanese woman. Actually, I didn't want it because it is very unique and I want commonly hair style. However, my mother recommended it more and more, so I agree with her. Finally, I set it, it was so nice.
92 words
92 words
My trip
When I was a elementary school student, I went to Tokyo with my mother, my older sister and my younger brother. we travel around the Tokyo. The flight maybe took us 2 hours. One the first day, we visited my relative house. My mother's uncle live in Tokyo. I met my mother's cousin for the first time. That night, maybe we went to go Japanese restaurant ant eat Monja-yaki . That time, I had never eaten Monja-yaki, I just know about okonomi-yaki very much, so I remember that night clearly. I really like my relative but I didn't like their cat. They was running across the floor many time, but now I like it. And the second day, my mother's uncle take us to the Odaiba, the Tokyo tower and the Imperial Palace. When I saw the view at the top of the Tokyo tower, I feel that I could connect with many Japanese people because many Japanese people' heart was moved by this view. There are a lot of beautiful place in that area. On the third day, we got on the bus, and we went to the Tokyo Disney Land. It was very beautiful world, but now I really want to go the Disney Land in United States. I want to meet real mickey mouse, so I have to start saving money.
BR2-3 Book Week Goes with a BANG! - part 2-
An unbalance arrived and two paramedics jumped out.The driver of the tanker was taken into the school. He was very shocked."I don't know what happened," he mumbled, over and over again. Later, Mrs Tuner called everyone into the hall. "There's been a big accident, but the two drivers are being well looked after. Your parents will still be able to take you home at the normal time though," She was going to ask them to take their children back to class. But Zak Pieman had a different idea. Zak fetched his drawing board, and he began to draw a story for the children. The teachers thanked Zak for his help and they went out to wave goodbye to him. Zak stared at the smashed tanker. He saw the lorry on its side,. And then he saw the crushed car, half under the tanker. It was his car!
I thought Zak Pieman was very good artist. Most of students's feelings were not so good, but their feeling made very happy by the world which Zak made. And also, I thought many people have to help each other when any accident happened.
Strong Jeremy. (1988). Story Street. Book Week Goes with BANG! - part 2 -
204 words
(7) Visiting My Father
(My father) is working in (the United States)
I had never been (on a plane) before,
made (me) feel at home
The flight took (11) hours
slept for most of the flight
took (us) to his house
it was much bigger than (our house in Japan)
I had never been (on a plane) before,
made (me) feel at home
The flight took (11) hours
slept for most of the flight
took (us) to his house
it was much bigger than (our house in Japan)
(6) Travelling around the World
I had never been abroad
travel around the world
travel around (Europe)
That is why S V
After S V,
start saving money
travel around the world
travel around (Europe)
That is why S V
After S V,
start saving money
(5) A Scary Moment
When I was in elementary school
I went to a camp on (Mt.Ontake)
On the first day,
got on the bus
It took us (three) hours to get there
(Small loge) near the top if the mountain.
That night,
one of my friends got out of his bed
turn on the light
small mousse running across the floor.
I went to a camp on (Mt.Ontake)
On the first day,
got on the bus
It took us (three) hours to get there
(Small loge) near the top if the mountain.
That night,
one of my friends got out of his bed
turn on the light
small mousse running across the floor.
(4) Hokkaido
This summer,
I am going on a trip to (Hokkaido)
We are going to stay in (youth hostel).
There are a lot of (hot spring) in that area.
take it easy
we will have a lot of fun.
I am going on a trip to (Hokkaido)
We are going to stay in (youth hostel).
There are a lot of (hot spring) in that area.
take it easy
we will have a lot of fun.
(3) A great weekend
Lat summer,
The next day,
We had (our) picture taken with (Mickey Mouse).
In the evening,
I hope we can go back there again (next year).
The next day,
We had (our) picture taken with (Mickey Mouse).
In the evening,
I hope we can go back there again (next year).
BR2-2 The spider and the Beehive
Once upon a time, there was a small African village. In it lived a little boy and a tricky spider. The spider thought he was smarter than everyone else. One day the spider was hungry , so he asked the boy,"Will you take me to the best plums?" The boy agreed. They walked deep into the jungle to the boy's favorite plum tree. The spider felt greedy. He ate up every single plum and did not share any! Then the boy said, "Inside this hive is the most delicious honey in the world." The spider squeezed into a hole int her hive. He ate up all the sweet golden honey and did not share any! The spider was ready for the next treat. But when he tried to climb out of the hive, he was struck.
Finally in this story, spider became to be able to share his foods. When I was a child, my parent said me and my sister and my brother that "Of you have any happy things, you should share it." Especially, they said that when we have any foods. That time, I couldn't understand why they said, but now, I became to be able to understand it. If we share any happy for everyone, we would be helped by their. We can live this world with helping each other, so I want to share many happy things, if I have any happy news or find a very delicious food, and don't share bad things and say bad things about slander. In the great Tohoku Earthquake, Japanese people could help each other, and this new was praised highly by worldly people. I think many countries people can that helping each other not only Japan. When people face any danger, we should find the way how we should do to alive everyone.
Einhorn Kama. (2006) SCHOLASTIC, The spider and the Beehive.
313 words
Finally in this story, spider became to be able to share his foods. When I was a child, my parent said me and my sister and my brother that "Of you have any happy things, you should share it." Especially, they said that when we have any foods. That time, I couldn't understand why they said, but now, I became to be able to understand it. If we share any happy for everyone, we would be helped by their. We can live this world with helping each other, so I want to share many happy things, if I have any happy news or find a very delicious food, and don't share bad things and say bad things about slander. In the great Tohoku Earthquake, Japanese people could help each other, and this new was praised highly by worldly people. I think many countries people can that helping each other not only Japan. When people face any danger, we should find the way how we should do to alive everyone.
Einhorn Kama. (2006) SCHOLASTIC, The spider and the Beehive.
313 words
Heart of a Dog, A Good Kill, and other matters
Recently, I think about every animals have a heart, and they can feel anything, For example, they can feel about how people think about live with their. About a month ago, I watch the TV about a dog which were thrown away by his owner, and he saw that many dogs were killed by people. For the first time, he couldn't communicate with people, but when the earthquake hit in Touhoku-Japan, he helped people.
76 words
76 words
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