"This is going to be so good," said Harry, pushing his shaggy hair away from his face. Baz and Kipper waved the heavy iron crowbars they were carrying. "After that, all we have to do is sit back and watch the fun and games."He took the iron bar and slipped it under the chain and padlock on the main gates. With a sharp tug the chain snapped and the gates free.Silently, the four boys crept from one shed to another. They forces the doors open with their crowbars.
This story is very good for thinking about animal's feeling which people always don't think about. Long time ago, when I was a elementary school student I had a beautiful bird. It was parakeet. It was not bought at pet shop, I found it near by my house and I couldn't find its owner. I called it "p-chan" because my mother called it. However, I finished to read this book, I thought maybe I had to set it free. Maybe It wanted to meet its family.
Strong Jeremy.(1988).Story Street.The Great Escape.
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