One day, Mrs Ambrose said the school was going to take part in a football tournament. They would have two teams. The A team was made up if boys from the top class. The B team would include some younger players ans two members of her class had been chosen."One of them is Ravi, The other one is Jojo," she went on. She couldn't wait to get outside and play. But when dinner time came, none of the usual group of boys would let her join in.
Maybe I can understand a little about boys in B team din't want teacher to choose girl player because I think maybe they worried about her. Worrying about someone is not bad because this feeling is made bay someone's gently, but sometime it makes someone's feeling unhappy. I think it is very important to think about what she really wants to do for making best friends. If you want to give your friend some advice, you should it after you can understand about your friend deeply.
Alexander Jenny.(1988).Story Street, Jojo Makes the TEAM
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