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Then, Chicago has deeply history. I researched about this name (Chicago) because I thought why this city called "Chicago". This word came from Indian language, and this word means "great". It is called "Idai" in Japanese. However, on the other hand, it was called "smelly place" because long time ago, many wild long green onions came up there. Five thousand ago, many Indians came there where near by Chicago river. Finally, in 1833 (17C) many whites came there and Chicago was burned. Comparatively, this population is few that time, but now Chicago of population is over 100 million and this city is called big city next to New York
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Next, The most famous food in Chicago is "Deep Dish Pizza". It is very thick pizza. It is five centimeter because it made by special way. When it is baked in big oven, it is into a mold, so many ingredients can put on the pizza, It is pretty big pizza, so I f you are very hungry because you didn't eat something all day or exercised hard and long time, you could try it. However, If you are hungry a little, I couldn't recommend you to eat this.
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First, many tourists visit "The Art Institute of Chicago". It is called AIC. 170 million people come there on a year. It was recognized by the public and it belong to the best three museum in United State of America. Many arts are displayed in the second floor. For example, "A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte" by Georges Seurat, "Rue de Paris, temps de pluie" by Gustave Caillebotte, Gogh's pictures, Paul Cezanne's pictures and Renoir's pictures. Many arts are gathered in there, so you maybe enjoy those pictures with thinking about background of each era.
Midwestern United State consists of Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. Most of people in Midwestern United State is Germanic which are 40 percent.And then, Many Catholics gather in Midwestern. Statistic in 2006 says population in Midwestern is 66,217,736. Midwestern locates in high latitudes and inland, and most Midwestern places in cold, so many summer resorts become famous place. For example, Doa country in Wisconsin and Traverse City in Michigan are popular in summer resort. And also, Chicago is called "Windy City" because it locates near by Great Lakes. This time, I want to introduce about Chicago in Illinois.
The BLUE Game
I want to such a color game too and I want to decorate my room one color. I want to change my room blue color because people's brain can be continue concentration by blue color. So, If I change my room blue color, I would concentrate ti study more and more. And then, I this story recalls wonderful days when I was a kindergarten student. My grandmother played with me too. One day, I noticed about my grandmother always forgot time to take medicine, so I set her alarm clock for medicine time. I said about it, she laughed it very much.
Tom Clayton.(2001).Story Street. The BLUE Game
Jojo Makes the TEAM
One day, Mrs Ambrose said the school was going to take part in a football tournament. They would have two teams. The A team was made up if boys from the top class. The B team would include some younger players ans two members of her class had been chosen."One of them is Ravi, The other one is Jojo," she went on. She couldn't wait to get outside and play. But when dinner time came, none of the usual group of boys would let her join in.
Maybe I can understand a little about boys in B team din't want teacher to choose girl player because I think maybe they worried about her. Worrying about someone is not bad because this feeling is made bay someone's gently, but sometime it makes someone's feeling unhappy. I think it is very important to think about what she really wants to do for making best friends. If you want to give your friend some advice, you should it after you can understand about your friend deeply.
Alexander Jenny.(1988).Story Street, Jojo Makes the TEAM
The Great Escape
"This is going to be so good," said Harry, pushing his shaggy hair away from his face. Baz and Kipper waved the heavy iron crowbars they were carrying. "After that, all we have to do is sit back and watch the fun and games."He took the iron bar and slipped it under the chain and padlock on the main gates. With a sharp tug the chain snapped and the gates free.Silently, the four boys crept from one shed to another. They forces the doors open with their crowbars.
This story is very good for thinking about animal's feeling which people always don't think about. Long time ago, when I was a elementary school student I had a beautiful bird. It was parakeet. It was not bought at pet shop, I found it near by my house and I couldn't find its owner. I called it "p-chan" because my mother called it. However, I finished to read this book, I thought maybe I had to set it free. Maybe It wanted to meet its family.
Strong Jeremy.(1988).Story Street.The Great Escape.
Tea with Grumpyboots
Sam thought she should try to be polite, so she said to Mr Green, "I'm glad you're feeling better." But he just went on gazing at the garden, ignoring her. Mr Green appeared to notice Sam for the first time. He said a gruff hello, and thanked her for walking Scrap. "That's all right,"said Sam. "I enjoy it." Mr Green cupped his hand behind his ear. "I enjoy it!." Sam bellowed.Sam explained loudly that she had always wanted a dog of her own to look after, but she couldn't have one. Looking after someone else's dog for a while was a real treat. Mr Green nodded. "When I was your age," he said, "I wasn't allowed to have a dog, either. Then I got the chance to look after Tilly. I've got a picture of her somewhere."
When I finished to read this book, I miss my grandparents. I couldn't go their house long long time. Always I have part-time job or tests when my family go there. My grandparents can't here any sounds easily like Sam's grandfather, so I have to speak loudly and clearly when I speak with them. However, I am always learned many important things by their talk. For example, I never forget that my grandfather talked me about his experience in the war. It was very valuable talk, and I think that young people should learn from many elderly people's talk. And also, I should meet my parents more and more times and making time to talk with them.
My weekend
In my weekend, I had to do homework and study for the final test, but actually I think I didn't study enough. I slept longer time than when I have to go school. I breathe easier now that I've finished my report. I have written on eleven sheets, so I have used many time for this report. Next, I have to write essay book review for writing3.
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Nanny MacPhee & THE Big Bang
Norman, Megsie and Vincent Green live on a form. Their father is fighting in the war. Their mother is Mrs Green. She loved living on a farm before the war. She needs more time and more money. Their father doesn't like farms and he doesn't like working. Cyril and Celia live in London. They are very rich. Their mother is Mrs Green's sister. 'Wash everything on the farm this afternoon, please,' said Mrs Green to her children.'My sister's children from London are going to be here tomorrow.' Mrs Green went to work. The children started washing everything.
I wondered at first why Mrs Green and Mr Green could get married because Mrs Green loved living on a farm, but on the other hand, her husband didn't like farms and working. Why could they love each other? However, I thought that children can open up to each other soon. For the first time, Cyril and Celia doesn't like form and Norman, Megsie and Vincent. For example, Celia didn't want to get out of the car and she said ' I'm wearing my new shoes. I can't walk in that mud!', but finally she work on the farm with her cousin.
My weekend
My weekend was very wonderful because I felt that I am supported by many people around me. On Sunday, I worked at sports gym. I resign this part-time job. so this work was the last time with my boss. I noticed it when I finished, so I was little confuse. Then, H e take out something from his desk, it was a big paper bag. He gave me it. I was very surprised, and it made me very happy because I thought that I gave him many troubles.
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My weekend
This weekend was very special for me because my sister came back to our house this week. My grand father follow me and my sister to sushi shop
A Good Friend
"Do you want to come ?"asks Eric. "I'm going to down to the beach again. I want to watch the sun go down and sing songs. We'll have a great time,"he says,Yoko doesn't want to study. She wants to be with Eric on the beach. "I want to see the sun go down," she thinks. "And sing some songs, too" Yoko does not tell her mother she wants to go to the beach. "I don't want dinner tonight. I want to study for tomorrow test, and then go to sleep," she says. She goes out of her window. Yoko rides to the beach on her bike.
I really can understand why Yoko has lied to her mother to go to beach that night because my mother is really strict too, so I often lie to my mother to do what I really want. For example, my mother said to me " Don't use your picture which show your face on SNS because it is very dangerous!", but I use it on SNS because when I make new friend and exchange ID, If they couldn't remember my face, they cannot find me on SNS. I want to enjoy the SNS enough to make many friends, so I never say my mother about it. Of course, I often think I did what is cruel but I want to do what I really want to do in my life, so I can really understand about Yoko. After all, she could make very good friend. I think she really like Eric's song. She could convey her feeling. Conveying some feelings to someone is very important.
Waring Rob and Jamall Maurice. 2006. A Good Friend
My weekend
My room was changed very much on my weekend! I rearranged my room. This room was used by me and my sister before, but my sister moved the her new home in April, so I did. Actually, I had to rearrange my room but I couldn't because I thought that I took off my important memories which I spent with my sister in this room by rearranging it. However, finally I could do it because I thought I have to receive this situation and live this new life with steady step!!
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