This movie was very scary and fanny because I don't like hired killers and seeing blood but I like action movies and comedy movies very much, so I don't know whether I like it or not. I think this movie has many wonders. First, I wonder why his parent's hause had been changed a convenience store. And then, he should contact with his relatives to ask about it, but he asked a convenience staff, so it was fanny. Second, I wonder why his older friends wasn't suprised when he said he is a hired killer. Is is common thing in America? If I was his friend, I would be suprise and think lot of things about him, but they didn't so now I think it was a part of this comedy story. Third, I wonder why he and his secretary don't get along with each other. Actually, his secretary is his sister. It was amzaing for me.
159 words
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