I like sea very much, I can't forget the memory that I and my family went to Amakusa. It was very nice view. I was born in Kumamoto and now I live there, but unfortunately, this place is not near by sea, so I can't enjoy sea daily. When I saw the sea, I feel that why I sweat the small stuff and I think I should have a infinitely heart like that ocean. However, My friend who lived in Amakusa said living near the sea is uncomfortable because there is some risks of disaster. Sometime, nature make us happy, on the other hand that sometime make us unhappy. I wonder that relationship between nature and people.A lot of Earth is covered by saltwater oceans. The oceans are home to many types of life, from the smallest plans to the biggest whales. There are five oceans, and they cover about 70 percent of Earth. Oceans and their seashores are different all around the world. On the Arctic Ocean and the Southern Ocean there's a lot of ice in winter. In warm tropical oceans you can find colorful coral reefs, where very many plants, fish, and other animals live. An ocean is always moving because of waves, currents, and tides. When the wind blows over the water, it makes waves. Currents are large amounts of warm or cold water that move up the seashore and back again two times a day.These movements are called tides.
Bladon, R.(2010). All about ocean life. Oxford university press
tide: 潮汐
urchin: うに
otter: カワウソ
tentacles: 触手
mangrove: 紅樹林
anemone: アネモネ
253 words
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