

 First, I want to introduce about Food culture of NY. New York City has about 24000 restaurant. They can offer the multinational dishes because many people come to New York who are from other countries. If you go to NY, you can enjoy many country's dishes. Therefore, NY people are classified some types. There are Vegetarian, Vegan, Halal, and Kosher. The number of vegetarian is 23 present of American's overall population because of an ideology,moral or healthy, so many restaurant in NY offer the Special course to vegetarian. But most of vegetarian often eat egg or dairy products. On the other hand, Vegan people never eat that, they eat only vegetable. Recently,  NY had been chosen  the best of city which gentle for Vegan.Then, many restaurant in NY offer good menu for people who are in special religion. For example, Islamic people don't must eat pork. That called Halal. And also, Jewish people always eat Kosher food. 

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