Sam lay in bed with her fingers in her ears. How could she sleep, with allthat noise coming from the room next door? With a sigh, she go out of bed. She put on her slippers and hr dressing gown. The empty lift stood across the landing. The doors were open."Time to visit Starange Streeet,I think," said Sam. The magic button was there. One push, and she would be in Strange Street again. The best thing about that Strange Street was taht it changed every time.The now read W.W. How odd!!
Whenver I read this story with magical button, I want to get that elevator. I want to enjoy sach wonderful adventure!! Because this elevator go many kind of wonderful places with me. And also, the Wild Woods resemble "Alice in Wonder Land".Many strange creature appear this world. Especially, I thought that when rabbit apeared this world. Sitting on a log by the side of the track, was the strangeest little creature she had ever seen was very wonderful creature for me. For the first time, he got angry, but I thought he is very gentle creatuer because he helped Sam to go her way. Then, he is so cute. He weared his glasses but he looked for it. He seems to be a scatter brain.Therefore, I think you should not judge their personality with theirs first impression.
Umansky Kaye.(1988). Beyond Strange Street. Story Street
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