Out popped five little ducklings. Four were fluffy and cute. One was gray and ugly.The cute ducks were mean to their ugly brother. They pecked at him. They said, "You are ugly. Go away!"
I was really glad when the ugly duckling could to be a beautiful swan. I think this book is very good for teaching children looking people personality or character without just looking their visual. And also, I think if you are said ugly by some people, you will think you are ugly naturally. So, I think I don't want to lose my confidence, If I am said bad things by some people. It was really good that the ugly duckling became be a swan because other birds were beautiful, but on the other hand their heart were so bad. The swan was the best bird, I thought. maybe they was said ugly by many people before they became be a beautiful swan, so their heart are very beautiful. I think your heart is beautiful, you will be said beautiful by many people.
Findley, Violet.(2006).The Ugly Duckling. New York,NY:Scholastic
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