
BR2-1 Book Week Goes with BANG! - part 1 -

It was book week at Story Street School. Everyone was busy doing something with books.The children drew pictures. They made their own books. The teachers read stories to the children. and the children read stories to the teachers! The head teacher, Mrs Turner, had made some special plans. She told everyone all about them in assembly."On Friday you can dress up as someone from a story," she said. "The teachers are going to dress up too!""Also on Friday," continued Mrs Turner, "a very special visitor is coming to our school. I have asked one of your favorite authors, Zak Piemon, to come and talk to you. He visit every class in the school."

Kumaamoto Gaukuen University students will have a good festival in October too. It is a Takuma festival. I am really looking forward taking part in this festival. I want to go to the rock music concert because my friend is going to play the keyboard this concert.She belong to the rock music club. I have never listened her rock music. By the way, I don't know about who is the special guest. I expect that this years special guest will be a very famous star. I think who acted some moves because they will have to advertise about it. And also I made a story of the book like this book when I was a elementary school student.  I wrote about monkey's story, I described friendship. I think making story is very good and important for children because they can create unique world.

Strong Jeremy. (1988). Story Street. Book Week Goes with BANG! - part 1 -

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