My weekend was so busy because I had many part time job.I have two part time job which are checking student's test at
gakushu-juku and working at sports gem of front. However, I missed a important thing! I was late for class at
gakushu-juku because I misunderstood the time of beginning class. I thought that class will begin at 10:30 but actually, class will begin at10:00!! I was very sad when I knew that but I could start at 10:02 because I always go to
gakushu-juku early 30minutes before class begin.
You work at the reception of a sports gym? What do you do there?
返信削除You are so hard working!! I think it is so nice thing that you always go juku so early. I hope your second part-time job will be good.
返信削除You are so hard working!! I think it is so nice thing that you always go juku so early. I hope your second part-time job will be good.
返信削除you are good worker!